There is one easy solution to all this 
Don’t share your tree on ancestry and set your tree to private
Ancestry just supply the tools we as researchers put the info on there (right 
or wrong)

From: Edward Rodrigues 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: relative but wrong 
information ...

My understanding is if you are the original person that took the picture you 
have the copy right.  I believe if you posted the photo first and it belongs to 
you unless its someone else photo. 
I know that they have a way that you can place a lable over the top of the 
photo. I see it on photos for sale on e-bay all the time. But I don't know how 
to do it. Maybe someone on the list know how.
You can view the photo but it has writing over the top so its worthless if you 
try to make a copy of it.


On Nov 19, 2012, at 11:38 AM, wrote:

  Thank you for posting this Edward ~ I hope using it will be helpful for 
others in the future.

  Questions ~ do you have to copy write your pictures before posting them, and 
if so how?  


  In a message dated 11/19/2012 8:49:30 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, writes:
    Just came across this on ancestry click on report Issue button.

    Report an issue or request content removal

    Page Tools
          <tree_add_16.gif>Save record to someone in my tree 
          <save_16.gif>Save record to my shoebox 
          <edit_16.gif>Add Alternate Information 
          <snderr.gif>Report Issue 
          <print_16.gif>View printer-friendly 

    Copyright or permission issues
    Ancestry respects the intellectual property of others and expects that our 
users do the same. If you have reason to believe that material on 
infringes on your copyright, click "Continue" (below) to file a removal request.
    You must be the owner of the copyright or the authorized agent of the 
copyright owner to make a claim.

    Why report an issue?
    Protecting your privacy is at the core of what we do. If you are concerned 
about something you see on the website, please report it to us. Here are some 
examples of how you can use this tool.
      a.. User-submitted content such as images, stories, or comments that 
violate's Terms and Conditions. 
      b.. Information about you or your living minor children in our public 
databases. For more information about privacy, please read our Privacy Policy. 
      c.. Problems with records, inlcuding missing, unreadable, or incorrect 
    Finally, if you discover a problem with one of our record images (such as a 
census image), please let us know. With hundreds of millions of images on the 
site, there are likely a few that are missing, wrong, or unreadable. Your 
feedback can help us correct these items.

    On Nov 18, 2012, at 3:01 PM, wrote:

      Cheri ~

      Okay - I just remembered using "google", typing in my surname, and the 
conversation from our group came up.  So, I scare easy.....just call me chicken 

      In a message dated 11/18/2012 11:40:36 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, writes:
        Ally said:
        <<And before anyone confesses too much, remember we are on a web site, 
and everything that is said on the web ~ STAYS ON THE WEB ~ FOREVER.>>

        Ally, please don't scare people.  This is not a Web site.  Azores 
GenWeb is a Web site.  Ancestry and FamilySearch are Web sites (albeit dynamic 
Web sites).

        This is a list serv.  It has an email list which most people use.  It 
also has a forum or web board or archive where messages are stored and can be 
read by anybody. Google searches can crawl the board/forum.  I can remove 
messages and I do.  These are usually sent out in error (someone wanted to 
email Aunt Ann and the Azores email addy pops up and it goes out to the whole 
list).  I also have the ability to delete the entire thing if I want to.  So 
even the forum/board/archive may not stay "forever."

        Even when using the Internet Archive or Wayback Machine, I can't always 
get pages to display.  It doesn't work on dynamic webpages.  I'm talking about 
the static ones.  And you have to have the URL from way back when as well.  

        I can't imagine that anyone on this list wouldn't want info about their 
ancestors out there.  I've had messages where people have had to hunt me down 
(I used to have AOL) and I find a new cousin!  

        The purpose of this list is to help people research their genealogy and 
make connections.  As the list grows, I really have to adhere more and more to 
our purpose.  So don't be surprised when I ask for certain non-genealogy topics 
to stop being posted.  I used to say we average 10-15 messages a day.  I just 
ran the stats and we are averaging 14.73 messages a day.  Only twice this year 
did we have less than 400 messages that month.  Guess I need to change the 
group description to 15-20 messages a day.  This is a lot of messages, 
especially for those who are still in the work force.  So the focus needs to 
remain on genealogy.  And with that many messages, you can see why a good 
subject/topic in the email is needed entice as many people to read your email 
as you can.

        Hope this clears up what a list-serv is and some of the things we do 

        Cheri Mello
        Listowner, Azores-Gen
        Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das 
Tainhas, Achada

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