Hi Nancy

The bad news is that you can't get the book on inter library loan. The good 
news is that you can get it immediately, as it's published exclusively as 
an e-book:

And while I'm at it, I can't avoid posting the link to the author's much 
more famous book, the one listing all the marriages in Flores:

Unfortunately, it seems the ebooks haven't been selling well enough to get 
him to re-issue and continue his "Famílias da Ilha das Flores" series. I 
guess most of us who research Flores bought the paper books when they were 
the only option. It's a shame, as these books are really just lists of 
people, and it's a lot easier to find what you're looking for in an ebook. 
And for non-portuguese reader, it's trivial to copy+paste from the ebook 
into Google Translate, and at least get an ideia of the text.


On Tuesday, October 1, 2013 2:51:39 PM UTC+2, nancy jean baptiste wrote:
> Joao,
> Thank you for this information. What's the name of the Shipwrecking book 
> and perhaps I can get it through inter library loan when I get back to the 
> states. Also, thanks for the link.....will spend some time looking at it 
> later today since it's pouring here in Pico I must remain indoors!
> I've always been intrigued by these pirate in the Azores stories since one 
> of our family histories spoke directly to them. At this point I have my 
> doubts about the veracity of the story. My maternal great grandfather, Jose 
> de Sousa Pereira Mancebo, from Sao Jorge was said to have been sent down to 
> the dock in Velas to buy a fish and was taken captive by pirates and held 
> as a cabin boy who never saw his family or homeland again. He was born in 
> 1838 and I did find him listed in the whaling records through New Bedford 
> as a cabin boy on a whaling ship in 1853. (I don't have access to all of my 
> records over here but I think it was 1853 0r there about.) I think it's 
> more probable that it was whalers instead of pirates and he may or may not 
> have been "taken" against his will. He remained on whaling ships until 
> jumping ship off the coast of New Bedford around 1865 where he lived the 
> rest of his life, marrying a woman sent over from Pico with whom he had 12 
> children. ( I always think another descendent will show up in the group).
> The other reason I've been so interested in these circumstances with 
> pirates is that when I was spending day after day searching the Sao Jorge 
> records for my paternal great grandfather, Antonio Teixeira Baptista, I 
> read every single village for the decade of 1830. I was amazed at the 
> number of exposto's and incognito's. I wish I had access to my records 
> right now because off hand I don't remember which village or if it was back 
> into the earlier 1800's or even late 1700's but I was startled to see 
> almost every single baptism was an exposto or incognito.....mostly 
> exposto's. It could have been during the invasion by the Spanish since I'm 
> sure raping and pillaging were rampant during those times as well and that 
> was around 1830 or 1832 if I remember correctly.
> Thanks again for the info and reference,
> Nancy Jean Baptista
> FTDNA volunteer co-administrator
> Researching:
> Santa Maria: Cabral, Moreira, Andrade and Coelho
> Sao Jorge: de Sousa Pereira, Teixeira Baptista, Silveira de Lemos, 
> Sousa Machado, Silveira Leonardes, Enos, Veterino, de Quadros, Neto
> Pico: Furtado Cardoso, Silva, de Castro, Costa Nunes, Peixoto, Melo, 
> Dutra, Bettencourt, Goulart, Moniz, Ferreira, Serpa
> Fayal: Abreu, Goulart
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 00:56:38 -0700
> From: jo...@venturas.org <javascript:>
> To: azo...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
> CC: fishso...@hotmail.com <javascript:>
> Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: FTDNA: Got Mozabite genes?
> Nancy,
> I'd believe all islands were raided quite often. Even mainland Portugal 
> was raided occasionally. I'd guess Flores and Corvo were more commonly 
> raided, as they were more isolated and harder to defend. From a 
> Shipwrecking book published by  Francisco Gomes,I see that Flores and Corvo 
> were attacked by pirates in 1536, 1537, 1549, 1567, 1587, 1590, 1592, 1609, 
> 1616, 1632, 1635, 1644, 1654, 1719, 1770, 1818. Probably more, I wasn't 
> reading all the entries. The one in 1719 was especially bad. They captured 
> at least 3 of my wife's ancestors. Piracy was tolerated by every nation 
> until about 1800. At that time, the US Congress decided not to pay the 
> usual bribe to the Barbary pirates, started the US Navy and put it to good 
> use in North Africa. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_Wars
> There's a PhD thesis in Portuguese with a list of rescued captives: 
> http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/13440. The lists of 
> captives rescued start at page 432, and besides the name of the person 
> rescued, it also indicates their origin, age, and the numbers of years they 
> were captive.
> Regards,
> João Ventura
> On Monday, September 30, 2013 10:19:32 PM UTC+2, nancy jean baptiste wrote:
> What are the years that most of this occurred and which islands were 
> most raided?
> Nancy Jean
> ------------------------------
> From: pi...@dholmes.com
> To: azo...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: FTDNA: Got Mozabite genes?
> Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 11:00:02 -0700
> No doubt about that. A certain percentage of the expostos and single 
> mother's having kids must be from that circumstance.
> Doug da Rocha Holmes
> Sacramento, California
> Pico & Terceira Genealogist
> 916-550-1618
> www.dholmes.com
>  -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: FTDNA: Got Mozabite genes?
> From: João_Ventura <jo...@venturas.org>
> Date: Mon, September 30, 2013 10:53 am
> To: azo...@googlegroups.com
> Or in a very unpleasant aspect of it, maybe one of his ancestors was raped 
> by one of the Barbary Pirates that paid regular visits to the Azores.
> João Carlos Ventura
> On Monday, September 30, 2013 3:08:30 PM UTC+2, Eileen Leite wrote:
> This dna testing is very interesting! My husband shows Mozabite genetic 
> markers. North African dessert people. We assume it entered his line during 
> the Moorish conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, but are open to other ideas. 
> Our children think this has a really high ‘cool’ factor, haha. 
> We are wondering how common this is in the group, I’d guess pretty high? 
> Eileen Leite 
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