Hello Fawn,

You didn't provide an easy link, but I can probably answer you, anyway.

When a child was baptized at home, it's because the baby is deemed to be of such poor or fragile health that they better not wait. They use the word "sub-condition" and this was recently discussed in this group maybe a month ago, but I don't remember the subject title (always a good reason to have a title that indicates the real subject of the message...).

Anyway, sometimes the priest doesn't mention the word padrinho or padrinhos and instead writes testamunhas/witnesses. I always take it to mean they are also the padrinhos, but could be wrong in this assumption. Maybe someone can chime in about this if they know for certain.

I remember one of my ancestors was baptized at home in Sao Roque do Pico in the middle 1700s. So it surely doesn't mean these children didn't survive. They just got off to a shaky start in life.

Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help with Rosais, Sao Jorge Baptism
From: Fawn Silva <2sil...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, March 19, 2014 7:13 pm
To: azores@googlegroups.com

Hi Everyone,

I'm having trouble understanding a baptism on the CCA site.  It is for Antonio, son of Joao Jacinto de Sigueira, native of Rosais & Barbara Joaquina Rosa, native of Norte Grande, born on the 25th of May 1834 & I think baptized on the 29th in the home.  I don't know what the rest says & google translate is absolutely no help on this one.  I see witnesses but no padrinhos.  Did this child die?  I checked the obitos & could not find him. Why was he baptized in the home?  The baptism is on the top left of the pg.

Help!  Please.

Fawn Silva
St. Louis, MO

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