Hi Doug,

I have shared with you my results in private but I will post them here.  I 
was born on Pico island 7 of my 8 gr grandparents were from Lajes and 1 
from Sao Roqu  The honest reason I haven't felt compelled to Post is that I 
am disappointed that  myOrigins isn't picking up most Sephardic Jewish dna 
as Middle Eastern, when it clearly is mostly of Middle Eastern origin a 
fact the is supported by various studies.  I understand that my opinion is 
strictly conjecture not science but nonetheless I feel the need to state 
it.  There  are  dna studies which point to higher Middle Eastern than 
North African Berber admixture in the Central Azores group of Islands  I 
believe that my Middle Eastern(Jewish) Dna is getting picked up by the 
North Mediterranean Basin category,  Berber dna is distinctive enough to be 
distinguished from Middle Eastern Dna so I doubt the North African Coastal 
is picking up Jewish Dna.  Ftdna has only included Askenazi Jews in the 
Jewish Diaspora category. I have read posts of people claiming to be 100% 
Sephardic Jewish with no Jewish Diaspora results  but are showing high 
percentages of North Mediterranean Basin. There are various genetic studies 
that indicate partial Jewish(converso) ancestry for Azoreans this link I'm 
posting points to Mtdna in the Central Islands of the Azores.

myOrigins results

North Mediterranean Basin     69%

European Northlands             15%

European Coastal Islands       12%

North African Coastal               5%

Antonio Faria

On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 1:37:17 AM UTC-7, Doug da Rocha Holmes wrote:
> In regards the 1% of ancestry from Africa and another 1% from Asia, the 
> way I understand it is if we look at a family tree for a person, it takes 7 
> generations back to get over 100 ancestors. At that level we have 128 if 
> they are all different people. Of course, if any cousins married then there 
> are actually fewer separate individuals.
> Since for my father, I know all his ancestors well beyond 7 generations 
> back in the Azores, the only way to have an ancestor who was from from 
> Africa or Asia must come from our ancestors in Chile, where we know only 4 
> generations back so far.
> Since 5% of his DNA says it's from the native population of the Americas 
> and the most recent ancestor from Chile was 3 generations back where there 
> are just 8 ancestors, 1/8th of his DNA should be from Chile which is 12.5%. 
> If we say some percentage was from Spain to account for the Conquistadores 
> and if at the 7th generation there is one from Africa and one from Asia, 
> plus 5 who were natives, that leaves about 7-9 who were Spanish. That works 
> out OK. It's a real life algebraic problem - don't see that much.
> But it's not really that simple, because I'm sure the Conquistadores 
> married into the native population early on from the 1500s forward and so 
> there are tiny percentages from each generation that are accumulating as we 
> reach to the 7th generation for my father - that is the late 1600s for his 
> Azores lines, so would be something similar for the lines in Chile. And so 
> maybe there are many different lines of African and Asian ancestors which 
> all together account for about 1% of his DNA for each of them.
> The only flaw in that is the fact his DNA was identified as from a 
> specific part of Africa. If there were many lines, it would also seem there 
> are many different parts of Africa. I hope some day I can trace them back a 
> little further to resolve some of this.
> Doug da Rocha Holmes
> Sacramento, California
> Pico & Terceira Genealogist
> 916-550-1618
> www.dholmes.com
>  -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: MyOrigins (Population Finder) is now
> available!
> From: <pi...@dholmes.com <javascript:>>
> Date: Tue, May 06, 2014 6:45 pm
> To: azo...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
> Cc: "Lionel Holmes" <lionelh...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
> My father also got a similar surprise - 1% East African Pastoralists which 
> the map shows as Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya. I suppose it comes from a 
> slave. We have one exposta from the late 1600s which might account for this 
> mysterious DNA.
> And it was interesting to see he has 6% Middle Eastern in the area of the 
> Berbers - North African Coastlands.
> So my own 4% Middle Eastern in the area of Eastern Afroasiatic which the 
> map shows as Jordan and surroundings must be coming from my mother's side. 
> I guess this is because of the Turkish invasions into Hungary through the 
> Balkins, because my wife, 100% Slovak has 6% of this same DNA.
> And my father also has another big surprise - 1% East Asian and 
> specifically Asian Northeast which the map has around Korea and Japan and 
> into Russia.
> My guess is the 1% African and 1% Asian must come from a couple slave 
> ancestors.
> Very fascinating.
> Doug da Rocha Holmes
> Sacramento, California
> Pico & Terceira Genealogist
> 916-550-1618
> www.dholmes.com
>  -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: MyOrigins (Population Finder) is now
> available!
> From: ttcostadc via Azores Genealogy <azo...@googlegroups.com<javascript:>
> >
> Date: Tue, May 06, 2014 6:20 pm
> To: azo...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
>  Group,
> Mine finally make sense to me, with 47% North Mediterranean Basin. There 
> was a surprise 1% Nigeria-Congo Genesis.
> -Trevor Costa (VA/DC)

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