Hi Margaret,


I just wanted to help mentioning this case because you wrote that “the 
church didn't allow priests to marry nor did they registered illegitimate 
priests' children in this respective century”.

Actually, it was not so unusual Priests having illegitimate children in 
Portugal and you can find them on the parish records.

My ancestor from São Miguel was a Friar but I descend from a Priest through 
my maternal line that goes back to mainland Portugal.

My ancestor Padre Antonio da Silva Coutinho was born in Armamar, Viseu, 
Portugal, on 22 jun 1668 and died there on 20 jul 1714. 

>From 1680 to 1740 I found on the parish records for Armamar and nearby 
freguesias at least 4 Priests who had illegitimate children.



Em sábado, 10 de maio de 2014 23h49min37s UTC-3, Mara escreveu:
> Hey there Manuel,
>  The information you provided confirms what I wrote earlier.  Your 
> ancestor is a Friar/Brother/Monk  not a Priest.  "*Freire* Joao Meireles" 
> as written in the referenced article.  
> The birth record, also reads "illegitimate" son.  Please note Eileen spoke 
> of a Priest having a "legitimate" children and that is not possible in the 
> Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church.  
> One other thing Friar Meireles also was a Knight of the Cross of Malta, a 
> military religious order ..here's a short clip of the article provided by 
> your link..
> ".......... aquele Freire João Meireles, Cavaleiro da Cruz da Malta, 
> homem rico, vivendo de seus bens, ao tempo em Ponta Delgada, por encontrar 
> a mãe, a D. Maria, em casa dum tio, de quem ele era amigo"
> The article also goes on to explain the birth record and hints of how the 
> Vicar washed his hands off of it. 
>  Aliás, no termo de baptismo do filho há uma passagem curiosa quando a 
> certa altura se lê: ''baptizei a João(17) f.º de Frej João Mereles, e 
> Breitis Frs f.º ilegitimo''. O que nos leva a deduzir que seria legitimo 
> dele e ilegítimo dela, uma maneira cavalheiresca de sacudir a água do 
> capote com a conivência do Vigário Francisco Ferraz.
> Margaret
> On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 5:45 PM, <pi...@dholmes.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi Manoel,
>> Sure does happen.
>> I have a record of a priest on Pico whose wife died and he became a 
>> priest in that village.
>> Same happened for a priest on Terceira.
>> Come to think of it, there is another on Terceira like that.
>> Doug da Rocha Holmes
>> Sacramento, California
>> Pico & Terceira Genealogist
>> 916-550-1618
>> www.dholmes.com
>>  -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help with Obitos - Graciosa
>> From: mances <man...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
>> Date: Sat, May 10, 2014 2:16 pm
>> To: azo...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
>> Hi Margaret,
>> It happens. I descend from Frei João Meireles who had the son João 
>> baptized in Capelas on 16 feb 1659, ilha de São Miguel.
>> See the link (middle, left side):
>> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SMG-PD-CAPELAS-B-1595-1667/SMG-PD-CAPELAS-B-1595-1667_item1/P119.html
>> You can read more about Frei João Meireles in this link:
>> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Dk-Vn_E0ZiMJ:www.ihit.pt/new/boletim.php%3Farea%3Dboletins%26id%3D80+&cd=1&hl=pt&ct=clnk&gl=br
>> Manoel
>>  -- 
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> -- 
> Margaret M Vicente 

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