Congratulations Emil.  Does this line connect to Bob?  It has been a long time 
since I worked on our connection and I don't remember how you and Bob connect.

Celeste Perry 

On Saturday, June 21, 2014 5:27 PM, Emil <> wrote:

Hi to all,
    “Brick Walls can be smashed if we are patient and never give in to defeat.” 
I have always believed this to be true.
   My paternal grandfather and the complexity of his name has finally been 
unraveled and proven.  For my cousins who may be interested, he has been known 
by family as FRANCISCO PEREIRA AVILA and I have spent many years communicating 
with any relative or person I could find on this subject. Not to bore others on 
this list I will cut to the quick. I now know that he is Francisco Luis Pereira 
born 09 Dec 1855 in Nossa Senhora da Graca, Almoxarife, Faial.  This is the way 
he is recorded on the University of Minho web site as well as the CCA site. The 
process of research coming to this conclusion now seems simple and clear, but 
that would be Monday morning quarterbacking. He had a son named Jose Lopes 
Vargas by his first wife, Maria do Ceu Lopes along with eight other children, 
who was born in Almoxarife on 09 Jul 1884. None of Jose Lopes Vargas name 
combinations using mother or father’s names produced results. Finally I 
searched for only the name Jose,
 and found the correct matching date of birth, from the right area. This now 
connected the right parents to him; Francisco Luis Pereira and Maria do Ceu 
Lopes. I was still lost since his father did not have the Avila name. I next 
researched the marriage record for Francisco Luis Pereira and Maria do Ceu 
Lopes. It again listed his name as Francisco Luis Pereira Junior and his father 
was recorded as being Francisco Luis Pereira. I now decided to see if Jose 
Lopes Vargas Junior had a recorded record of marriage. I knew that he married a 
Maria Laura Serpa about 1907. I did find their recorded marriage of 26 Oct 1907 
in Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Horta, Faial. BINGO!!! On this record of 
marriage it had his father now recorded as Francisco Luis Pereira Avellar. My 
father and his siblings as well as his half siblings pronounced the name 
“AVELAR”, but said it was spelled AVILA. Well, go figure that one out, and I 
finally did!!
   On our DNA site I have updated my family Tree, and those who are interested 
may want to re check it out. Also, please remember to update the fact that we 
are related. I have a few pending which need action.
 I hope this is of value to others.
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