My father’s MtDNA is L2a. I have been slowly chipping away at his maternal line 
and the furthest back I have is Anna Fonsequa born abt. 1574 wife of Joao 




Richard Francis Pimentel

Epping, NH



From: [] On Behalf Of A 
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Study on Sub-Saharan African Admixture in 
Europeans and Middle Easterners



There has been an academic study done looking at the maternal lineages of 
Macronesia(Azores,Madeira,Canary Islands and Cape Verde) I believe the average 
for the Azores for Mtdna with origins in Sub-Sahara Africa was 3.4%, paternal 
lineages with origins in Sub-Sahara Africa in the Azores are extremely rare I 
believe only one example has been found, using that as a guideline you would 
expect an average of 1.7% of the Azorean genome to have origins in Sub-Saharn 
Africa. I don't believe that result is far off. It is corroborated by  
myorigins results that are coming in, many people are not showing 1% or higher 
which is my case but when I use the Gedmatch calculators it definetely is 
present especially when I look at my 22 Chromosomes in detail.





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