One thing to remember for pre-1800 obito records, is that they are often 
not accurate and can be off by more than 10 years. The church did not 
consider the age at death that important and so the priests wrote, "mais ou 
menos." That is, more or less.

In my experience, the correct  age at death is seldom correct for the 
pre-1800 records. However, it still very useful to determine an approximate 
baptismal date.


On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 11:02:45 AM UTC-4, Cheri Mello wrote:
> Cesar,
> It doesn't exist. Baptisms begin in 1665. Marriages begin in 1674, and 
> deaths in 1673. It appears that there could have been other books since the 
> years of 1665 and 1674-1673 are 9 years apart. Wikipedia (in English) gives 
> more history than the Portuguese version of Wikipedia: 
> It sounds as if the church goes back to the late 1400s. Almost 150 years 
> before the records. 
> This description from Guido de Monterey's "Santa Maria e Sao Miguel: As 
> Duas Ilhas do Oriente" (page 191) seems to be similar to what Wikipedia 
> says:
> Anterior a 1522. Sofreu obras no decurso dos séculos XVII e XVIII. 
> Todavia, a maior e mais flagrante reconstrução deu-se no final do século 
> XVIII. Apresentou-se pronta no ano de 1812. Templo de consideráveis 
> dimensões, corpo principal de tres naves. Capela-mor plena de graciosidade. 
> Altar-mor extasiante pela valia da sua talha, ora dourada, ora pintada a 
> azul. Igreja ataviada e augusta, centro do total arrebatamento.
> I did not find your Manuel da Costa Carreiro married to Isabel da Costa 
> in any volume of Rodrigo Rodrigues either.  I'm guess the Maia books were 
> missing during Rodrigo Rodrigues' lifetime too.
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das 
> Tainhas, Achada

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