Hi all,

  I've been digging through the CCA trying to find siblings for my 
grandfather (Antonio de Mello Barbosa b. 1889 to Antonio de Mello Barbosa 
1858 & Claudina Silva b. 1862.)  

I was able to find the marriage record for Antonio & Claudina (1882), and 
started searching birth records from that point on.  I think I've found the 
following children:

Manoel de Mello Barbosa (b. May 1885) 

Maria de Mello Barbosa (b. November 1886) 

I'm a bit confused in reading the names for Maria, as Barbosa isn't listed 
after Antonio, but another word which looks to be possibly an occupation 
rather than a name (pure guess here).  But as there aren't that many 
Claudina's listed, I'm assuming that Maria is a sibling.  Am I correct or 
totally off base here?

Jose de Mello Barbosa (b. March 1891) 

With Jose, there's something written in the margin, but I can't figure out 
what it says.  Any help here would be appreciated!

Rosa de Mello Barbosa (b. July, 1892).  

With my grandmother - Maria Lima (b. Dec 1890 to Joao/John Lima b. 1846 and 
Francisca de Mello Barbosa b. 1855) it looks like I found the following 
sibling so far:

Virginia Lima (b. April 1893).  

There are two margin notes for Virginia that I can't read, though the 
second one looks like Fall River, MA is listed with possibly a 1994 date.  
I'd appreciate it if someone could help with that portion so perhaps I can 
search for more information locally here in Mass.

I also think that the dates I have above are baptismal and not actual birth 
dates, but I think I need to work more on trying to decipher the language 
here to find that out.  

This is all probably too much for someone to look at, but if anyone wants 
to take a stab at a bit and see if I'm reading this correctly and that 
these are indeed siblings, I would appreciate it!

Thanks in advance.


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