sorry, the date should be 1 Nov. 1979

On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 8:29:48 PM UTC-7, linda wrote:
> Hi Elaine,
> Here's a transcription and translation of Maria's baptismal record.  The 
> records follow a formula and the vocabulary is limited, and you should be 
> able to use this to follow the information on Manuel's baptismal record 
> too.  If the grandparents are the same in both records, you can be fairly 
> certain that you have the siblings right.  I suspect you do, but I haven't 
> double checked :)  You're right that the word after Antonio's name in this 
> record is his occupation.
> I had a quick look at Virginia Lima's record, and I think the date is 1 
> Nov. 1974.  European style crossed seven.
> hope that helps to get you started,
> good luck!
> Linda
> [Margin] N.o 41 Maria 1.a de nome f.a d'Antonio de Mello e de Claudina de 
> Jesus
> Aos vinte oito dias do mes de Novembro do anno de
> mil oito centos oitenta seis, n'esta Egreja Parochial do
> Apostalo Sao Paulo, do logar da Ribeira Quente Concelho
> da Villa da Povoacao Diocese d'Angra, baptisei Solume[-]
> mente um individuo do sexe femminia a quem dei o
> nome de Maria e que nasceo n'esta freguesia as cinco
> horas da manhao do dia desasete d'este corrente mes e an-
> no supra, filha legitima, primeira d'este nome, d'An-
> tonio de Mello, Trabalhador, e de Claudina de Jesus, d'occu[-]
> pacao domestica, naturaes, recebidos, parochiannos, e mo[-]
> radores n'esta mesma freguesia; neta paterna d'otro
> Antonio de Mello, Francisca Luisanna, e materna, de Jo-
> ao da Silva, e Maria Joaquina. Foram Padrinhos que
> sei serem os proprios, Manoel Antonio de Mello, Cam-
> paneo, e sua mulher, Rosa Linhares da Cruz, d'occupa-
> cao domestica E para constar Lavre em duplicado este a[-]
> ssento, que depois de ser lido e conferido [per outros?] Padri-
> nhos, comigo o nao assigna[??] por nao saberem es-
> crever.  Era ut supra
> O Cura Manoel Francisco d'Amoral
> Translation:
> Margin: No. 41 Maria 1st of the name, daughter of Antonio de Mello and 
> Claudina de Jesus
> On the 28th of November of the year of
> 1886, in this parochial church of
> Saint Paul [the] Apostle, in the location of Ribeira Quente, district
> of the town of Povoacao, Diocese of Angra, I solemnly baptized
> an individual of the feminine sex to whom I gave the
> name of Maria and who was born in this parish at five
> hours [o'clock] in the morning on the 16th day of this current month and
> year above [i.e., Nov. 1886], legitimate daughter, first of this name, 
> [daughter of] An-
> tonio de Mello, workman, and of Claudina de Jesus, of the occupa-
> tion [of] domestic [i.e., keeping house], [the parents are] natives [of], 
> married, parishioners, and
> residents in this same parish; paternal granddaughter of another
> Antonio de Mello, [and] Francisca Luisanna, and maternal [granddaughter] of
> Joao da Silva and Maria Joaquina.  The Godparents were, so that
> it was done correctly, Manoel Antonio de Mello, 
> peasant/countryman/fieldhand 
> and his wife, Rosa Linhares da Cruz, domestic.... [loosely the rest means: 
> "to finish I made this record in duplicate and after reading it to the 
> godparents, etc., I signed it, but the godparents couldn't write so they 
> didn't sign it"] "Era ut supra" is Latin and means "it happened as stated 
> above".
> Curate Manoel Francisco d'Amoral
> On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 6:34:15 PM UTC-7, Elaine Mello wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>   I've been digging through the CCA trying to find siblings for my 
>> grandfather (Antonio de Mello Barbosa b. 1889 to Antonio de Mello Barbosa 
>> 1858 & Claudina Silva b. 1862.)  
>> I was able to find the marriage record for Antonio & Claudina (1882), and 
>> started searching birth records from that point on.  I think I've found the 
>> following children:
>> Manoel de Mello Barbosa (b. May 1885) 
>> <>
>> Maria de Mello Barbosa (b. November 1886) 
>> I'm a bit confused in reading the names for Maria, as Barbosa isn't 
>> listed after Antonio, but another word which looks to be possibly an 
>> occupation rather than a name (pure guess here).  But as there aren't that 
>> many Claudina's listed, I'm assuming that Maria is a sibling.  Am I correct 
>> or totally off base here?
>> Jose de Mello Barbosa (b. March 1891) 
>> With Jose, there's something written in the margin, but I can't figure 
>> out what it says.  Any help here would be appreciated!
>> Rosa de Mello Barbosa (b. July, 1892).  
>> With my grandmother - Maria Lima (b. Dec 1890 to Joao/John Lima b. 1846 
>> and Francisca de Mello Barbosa b. 1855) it looks like I found the following 
>> sibling so far:
>> Virginia Lima (b. April 1893).  
>> There are two margin notes for Virginia that I can't read, though the 
>> second one looks like Fall River, MA is listed with possibly a 1994 date.  
>> I'd appreciate it if someone could help with that portion so perhaps I can 
>> search for more information locally here in Mass.
>> I also think that the dates I have above are baptismal and not actual 
>> birth dates, but I think I need to work more on trying to decipher the 
>> language here to find that out.  
>> This is all probably too much for someone to look at, but if anyone wants 
>> to take a stab at a bit and see if I'm reading this correctly and that 
>> these are indeed siblings, I would appreciate it!
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Elaine 

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