Thanks very much for this information…helps a lot to understand the Obits of 
many of my relatives.  John, do you know the answer to my other question about 
the money? A reis, Vinten and a Tostoes? What their values were and perhaps 
what that would translate into todays currency?


> On Mar 5, 2017, at 6:39 PM, aportugee via Azores Genealogy 
> <> wrote:
> Very informative.  Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
> From: 'Susan Murphy' via Azores Genealogy <>
> Sent: Sunday, March 5, 2017 6:12 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] ST Francis habits
> Gordon (and John too),
> I  knew that I had saved some information about burials and went looking deep 
> into my computer.So here is a posting from 13 years ago and low and 
> behold….it was John who answered then:) Here is what he said way back when!  
> Susan
> From: < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [AZORES] Azorean Death Records
> In a message dated 9/14/2004 3:30:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> <> writes:
>  On the death records it often describes what the person wears....sometimes
>  it says a black shroud, or a white shroud. But most often it says they wore 
>  a habit of picote....which I see means coarse cloth....and this habit will 
>  be of "Sao Francisco" or "Nossa Senhora do Carmo" or of the "Irmadade do
>  Carmo"....Brotherhood of Carmo?
>  Most of the people into the early 1800's were buried in the church. Do 
>  you think they were buried in coffins?  Does anyone know the significance of
>  these clothes they wore?
>  Then it usually will say that they are accompanied by the Irmadade das
>  Almas....Brotherhood of Souls and "o Colegio" and "Cruzes"......crosses?
>  What does this this symbolic ...that they are joining other 
> departed
>  souls?? if so, then what are the Colegio and Cruzes?
>  It will say that a family member is obligated to have said a certain 
>  number of masses. Does this mean that the person left money for that to give 
> to 
>  the priest? Or does it mean that the person who is obligated should attend 
>  that number of masses?  I ask this as so often it would say that they were 
>  poor and did not leave a testament, but then there will be someone who is 
> obigated to
>  have the masses said.  Sometimes the masses are "rezadas" and sometimes 
>  "oficial and I don't know what that means. I have seen a couple that say 
> there was
>  "cantoria" I assume there was singing?  Almost ALWAYS they were 
>  buried the next day after death. I have found very few exceptions to this 
> and in 
>  those cases, the person seemed to have accidental deaths and probably were 
> not
>  found right had drowned and others were found on the rocks.
>  I wonder how ALL these people could have been buried in the church??  I
>  would think it would create quite an odor at times?  I have heard that in the
>  Azores they used to put "lime" on the bodies to help the decomposition. 
>  I know in the last century, when the burials were in cemeteries and no 
> longer in 
>  the churches, I have heard that they dug up the bodies after a certain 
> number 
>  of years? Maybe seven?  And then the bones are put in a bone collection 
>  crypt??
>  I know this is a macabre subject, but I have been working with these 
>  records for so long that this questions keep cropping up!  I would appreciate
>  anyones knowledge on this.
> From JOHN: 
> > In another, more pious age, our Azorean ancestors worried a lot about 
> > their
> > eternal salvation and the peril to their immortal souls. Thus they usually
> > engaged in pious acts and rituals in an attempt to mitigate the suffering 
> > that a
> > soul in purgatory would have to under go before achieving Paradise. Many 
> > of the
> > Villages had lay orders and brotherhoods. The "Carmos" and "Franciscanos"
> > were the Franciscan and Carmelite lay orders. When their members died, 
> > they were
> > buried in the habits of Franciscan and Carmelites. Thus "foi enterrado no
> > hábito de S. Francisco..." The brotherhoods, such as the Irmandade das 
> > Almas, (The
> > Brotherhood of the Poor Souls) existed so that the brotherhood arranged to
> > (1) accompany the deceased to burial, (2) arrange for masses to be offered
> > annually for the repose of deceased members and (3) living members would 
> > pray for
> > the repose of the deceased members. The Irmandade dos Caixões, (the 
> > Brotherhood
> > of the Coffins) was a predecessor to the "Benevolent Associations" whereby
> > one prepaid one's funeral; i.e., you paid your annual dues and when you 
> > died you
> > were supplied with a coffin.
> >
> > As for the obligation of the family to have a certain number of masses
> > offered for the repose of the deceased, that was a testamentary 
> > obligation. In other
> > words, the deceased left his estate to his children on condition that they
> > arranged for a certain numbers of Masses to be offered for the repose of 
> > the
> > testator's soul. You can usually tell how well off someone was by the 
> > number of
> > Masses they arranged for themselves.
> >
> > The "Ofício" is the Office or Divine Liturgy, the prayers that every 
> > priest
> > is still required to say daily, morning, noon, evening and night. A priest
> > could recite the Office for the Dead, or offer his daily office, for the 
> > repose of
> > the deceased.
> >
> > "Cantoria" would mean a sung high Mass (those of us born before Vatican II
> > know what that means: the priest sang the Mass as opposed to mumbling it 
> > in
> > Latin).
> >
> > Until the time of the Marquês de Pombal, the deceased were interred 
> > beneath
> > the floors of the parish church. Prominent families had reserved graves; 
> > thus
> > someone might be buried in his grandfather's grave, beneath the chapel of 
> > Our
> > Lady of Sorrows, etc. (It is a wonderful way to research dead ends; i.e. 
> > you
> > can't find s birth or marriage record but you find a death records that 
> > says the
> > deceased was buried in the grave of her grandfather, Afonso Ledo). After 7
> > years, the graves were recycled. Lime was used liberally to assist in
> > decomposition. In village cemeteries today, graves are still recycled and 
> > lime is still
> > liberally applied. The adage "já levou a sua camada de cal." (He' s gotten 
> > his
> > dose of lime.) is a way of saying that someone has died and is already
> > buried.
> >
> > As for shrouds, the saddest example I have is that of an ancestor whom the
> > neighbors "wrapped in the sheet on which she died because she was so poor 
> > she
> > had no clothes in which to be laid out." I can only hope those same
> > compassionate neighbors said a Pater and an Ave for the repose of her soul 
> > and remembered
> > her at Mass.
> >
> > The subject may be morbid, but perfectly natural. On my trips to S. Miguel 
> > I
> > always walk the Cemetery of S. Joaquim in Ponta Delgada. Sometimes I see 
> > an
> > exhumation, i.e. the removal of some bones into an ossuary and I've been 
> > greeted
> > by more than one smile (or grimace) of a skull inadvertently left exposed 
> > in
> > an open grave.  I'll bet Susan Vargas Murphy asked questions that many 
> > people
> > have but have been too afraid to ask. And  many thanks to Eloise Cadinha 
> > for
> > opening the door.
> >
> > John Miranda Raposo
> >
> >
> On Mar 5, 2017, at 4:04 PM, 'John Raposo' via Azores Genealogy 
> < <>> wrote:
> Gordon,
> Roman Catholics believe that the sentences of souls to purgatory can be 
> shortened by Masses arranged to be offered on their behalf as well as good 
> works (corporal and spiritual works of mercy) done on their behalf. I do not 
> think there is another way of explaining it. So, if your father dies, 
> recognizing that he was not perfect and that his soul might be languishing in 
> purgatory waiting for release, you might arrange for Masses to be offered for 
> his release from purgatory and you might feed the poor, clothe the naked, 
> give drink to the thirsty, care for the sick, give shelter to the homeless, 
> etc, etc, etc, on his behalf in order to shorten his stay in purgatory.
> John Miranda Raposo
> On Sunday, March 5, 2017 6:45 PM, Gordon Soares < 
> <>> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone knows the significance of being buried in the habit of St. 
> Francis in the 1600-1800 burials. It is often said that the person was 
> carried to the grave in the habit of St Francis lead by the priest and the 
> Friars of St. Francis. 
> The person often had a will and indicated that they would like 30 masses for 
> their soul and maybe 20 masses for their ‘intention”.  Can someone tell me 
> what ws meant by “intention”?
> I know I have written this before but its a detail that continues to “bug me” 
> and someone out there can help me put it to rest. :)
> Gordon
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