
The Dukes of Braganca were (in the 19th century) the oldest son of the King, 
and heirs to the Portuguese throne. They are historical figures and their 
history is well known. Their family name in the time of your ancestors was 
Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha, the name they got when D. Maria II (reigned: 1826-1853) 
married (1836) Fernando de Saxe Coburgo, but the dynasty was the 2nd Braganca 
dynasty. There is no Raposo married to a Braganca in the extensive genealogies 
of the Bragancas, not even among illegitimate descendants. Had your grandmother 
been a blood relative of the Bragancas living in the Azores, her existence and 
lineage would have been well known and documented. In addition there is an 
excellent book (Mendes, António Ornelas and JorgeForjaz, ombo Heràldico dos 
Açores:Cartas de Brasão de Armas. Caixa Económica daMisericórdia, Angra do 
Heroísmo: 2014.) which lists every single coat-of-arms that was ever granted to 
a resident of the Azores and your grandmother is not there.

We all have these legends in our families, myself included. There are many 
Azoreans who can legitimately trace their lineage back to a Portuguese King, 
usually Fernando I or Afonso III. Closer claims (I remember one lady on this 
list who claimed that her grandmother was the sister of D. Amelia, last queen 
of Portugal, but such claims are easily dismissed) are rare and difficult to 
I hope that you can trace down your ancestors. It may be that they are 
descendants of Afonso III but a more recent connection is unlikely and will be 
very difficult to document.
Let me know if I can help.
John Miranda Raposo

    On Tuesday, March 28, 2017 12:45 PM, Reposo De Costa 
<> wrote:

 We are looking for any information on our grandmother's parents who were born 
in the Azores Islands, Portugual , Mother's name was Marie G 
Reposo/Repozo/Reposa, she was born in 1872.  She married John Reposa in 1892 in 
Portugual.  They left the Azores and went to the Hawaiian Islands (Sandwich 
Islands) They both were living in Hilo, Hawaii in the 1900"s.  Their daughter, 
Maria Mae Raposa was born in 1898 in Hilo, Hawaii.
Any information would be so helpful.  
Our grandmother and aunt and uncle went to Lisbon, Portugal in the late 70's 
(not sure of the date) to claim and pick up our family crest and coat of arms 
as we are related to nobility.  But it has been so many years that have passed 
and my aunts and uncle and grandmother have passed and we are unable to located 
the family crest and paperwork pertaining to our heritage..  My grandmother was 
a Duchess and her first born son was a the house of Braganza, we 
Would like to know whom/what do we contact to find out information.
Thank you,Christine
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