Oh noooooo

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> On Aug 18, 2017, at 12:53 PM, João Ventura <j...@venturas.org> wrote:
> This is terrible news.
> The Portuguese archives are not available from FamilySearch, except for those 
> with LDS accounts or some rare cases like Braga or Coimbra.
> There are books available in CCA where the image is so low resolution that I 
> might as well be looking at it in Minecraft, and the only possibility to read 
> them is to go to a FHC and ask for the microfilm.
> João Ventura
> http://tombo.pt/en
>> On Friday, 4 August 2017 01:38:11 UTC+2, Cheri Mello wrote:
>> My understanding is that the Azorean Govenement must enter an agreement with 
>> Family Search to allow the indexing to begin. I don't know if any such 
>> agreement was made. Last I heard, negotiations between the Azorean 
>> government and Family Search broke down. I don't know if any attempts have 
>> been made again (from a couple of years ago).
>> Cheri Mello
>> Listowner, Azores-Gen
>> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
>> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
>>> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Pat Frade <pat_...@byu.edu> wrote:
>>> Please refer to this article: the microfilms are being discontinued.
>>> https://familysearch.org/blog/en/microfilm-distribution-discontinued-august-31-2017/
>>> From my last post a few months ago, I think Rosemarie said that the 
>>> microfilms are on disc. I think they need to be index so they can be put 
>>> online and searchable (that is the key word).
>>> I would ask Cheri or Rosemarie to call the SLC Family History Library and 
>>> ask the Portuguese Librarian to set up a time at the conference where we 
>>> could meet together (maybe right after dinner) where questions can be 
>>> asked/answered.
>>> My understanding is very basic – but I am really pushing for these records 
>>> to be indexed. What that mean – and please verify this with the librarian – 
>>> we wouldn’t necessarily need to learn to read the old Portuguese script. We 
>>> could type in a name, and the image will come up along with the 
>>> “transcribe” information. I just looked up a name in FamilySearch – the 
>>> name was Helen Evans, residence in California, and the top result was a 
>>> census record, on the right side is the original document, and on the left 
>>> side is the transcribe infor. On Ancestry you get the transcribed 
>>> information, or it may look for a name in a document (like a newspaper).
>>> The documents would have to be indexed (transcribed) by a person, I have 
>>> seen it done. There is an army of people who are indexing records – my 
>>> neighbor was working on the WWII veterans records. We just need to know IF 
>>> the Azorean records have been indexed, if not where are they in the queue 
>>> and if they are in the queue how many petitions would it take to move it 
>>> forward.
>>> Let’s talk more at the conference.
>>> Pat Frade
>>> Manuscript Cataloger
>>> 6741 Harold B. Lee Library
>>> Brigham Young University
>>> Provo, UT 84602
>>> 801-422-6730
>>> pat_...@byu.edu
>>> -- 
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