
     I think that the Name "Garia" is not correct. I believe it should be 
Faria. If you go to 

it may help you to get back on the correct path. I hope.

     Also as a general thought for those who do read this. I see that most 
people who post assume that everyone who reads their messages understand the 
abbreviations used, leave out full place names, etc. and in general lose 
valuable information that people may have to help them, because of lazy 
incomplete writing which most of us do. I have to keep reminding myself to 
believe the person reading my message will be interested enough to reply to me, 
even if it doesn't help me. Small things are important and patience is critacal.

       Just a small thought


Researching: Faial, Pico, Sao Jorge, Terceira, Brazil, United States and Canada.

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