This might help you out with some additional info from the Azores GenWeb:




Visit the Azores GenWeb Project:



From: "" <> on behalf of Cheri 
Mello <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 7:28 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Sears/Soares from Pico to Merced, California 
married Freitas Caldeira from Flores


Gwen, You need to transfer to FTDNA where we have the Azores DNA Project, or 
better yet, test on FTDNA's chip (Ancestry has under 200,000 family markers 
whereas FTDNA tests for 700,000 markers). And FTDNA is having a sale this week. 
Rick Pimentel, my co-admin, will post the direct link to order. If you want to 
transfer, I can get you that information in a day.


Also, I don't see a lot of U.S. based research mentioned in your post. I'm 
hoping someone can post the link from the Azores GenWeb for Gwen.


I'm not at home and right now I am not on my computer, so I am asking others to 
help out by providing the links I've mentioned.

Cheri Mello, FTDNA Administrator


On Aug 26, 2018 9:17 AM, "Gwen Caldeira" <> wrote:

John:  thanks for the response.  You had some  contact with my brother Greg 
Caldeira in 2013 but he kind of dropped researching; he did find a local paper 
article from 1921 about the death of our grandfather Joseph Freitas Caldeira  
Sr's train-car accident which was quite enlightening but gave us no new names 
of possible sibs to give us Caldeira family info. Greg did visit Flores  3 yrs 
ago, met a cousin from JFC's side of the family and got some info on cousins 
(mostly in Brazil as it turns out) but not about any sibs who actually lived in 
the US and may have had kids who would be our cousins.  I did unearth a trove 
of  photos -- most looked to be from 1920-30s  --  our Nana left us when she 
died in 1965 that points to a close relationship between JFC Sr with at least 
one brother (Jao or John we think), and we have a story of questionable 
reliability that JFC Sr may have 2 or 3 sisters he lived with in the US in the 
early 1900s but nothing about their married names or any offspring who'd be 
cousins.  But we've got nothing really about Nana Sears/Soares Caldeira's real 
last name (or her real first name...she was variously referred to as Mary, 
Maria, and Mariann) and whether she did/didn't have a brother living in the US 
(photo with the two, but he could have been visiting from the Azores, not here 
in the US).  Most photos had no names of who was in the pictures; my attempt at 
trying to trace people through the studio names on some of the portrait frames 
was a dead end since they were so old.


So I'm trying to pick up on my Dad's parents and grandparents because we have 
so few clues about who they were and which if any siblings might have come to 
the US and would be our 2nd or 3rd cousins.  My DNA points toward a large 
Italian/Greek and Irish connection that would have  to be from my paternal 
grandparents or ggp generations and not really far back, something intriguing 
and unexpected.  Beyond trying to get in touch with some of the names  the DNA 
matches gave me, I'm lost.  Greg did find the ship Joseph Freitas Caldeira Sr 
arrived on in early 1900s in Providence but evidently he came alone (or with a 
relative with a different surname).  We know some first cousins (some we don't 
due to alienation between Dad and 2 sisters) but even they don't  know any 
names beyond Nana and our grandfather.  One first cousin is having her DNA done 
 which may give us some help refining DNA matches to contact....but I'm finding 
people don't check their accounts for messages very often so 
getting replies back is slow.   I've tried to find my Nana 
Sears/Soares-Caldeira on  ship manifest lists with variations of first and last 
names, but so far no luck.  Because there's so much Italian/Greek DNA in my DNA 
profile, I'm wondering if our assumption  "Mary Sears" had to be "Mary Soares"  
isn't a good one, but then I don't what other names or ship manifest lists to 
try.  I'm hoping her 1965 death cert lists her parents names and maybe which 
island she debarked from. We're believe my Nana was never naturalized, and 
census data just says "Mary Caldeira" though there could be a 1910 
(pre-marriage) census she appears on, but under what name and where (we think 
she lived in Idaho after emigrating but are unsure when she came to the SF 


The  "Joseph Freitas from Craterville:"  gave me a chuckle.  We'd always 
thought more volcano  or cauldron, a little more dignified than "Craterville."  
We know from JFC Sr.'s death cert his father went by 'Frank Freitas Caldeira' 
which isn't the usual Portuguese linguistic convention, which would be 
'mother's surname/father's surname' so that's odd.  But we know it's possible 
that American cousins might be using 'Freitas' instead of 'Caldeira'  or even 
some over name if JFC Sr's siblings were named by the normal linguistic 
convention.  We think  Frank Freitas Caldeira owned land on the 'caldeira' part 
of  Flores: my Dad once said he got a letter from a tenant after Nana Caldeira 
died about ownership of the house/land they'd been occupying for decades...we 
don't know if what meant about our grandparents' siblings, whether there were 
fewer than we thought or just that ownership of this house/land had been passed 
around as Azorean-based siblings died off.  Of course Dad threw out the 
tenant's letter, so that clue is gone.


 Do you have suggestions on searching for someone whose first and last names 
may be variations of Mary Sears? Or is hoping that her death cert has her 
parents' names or that some  of my DNA matches  get in touch with me about the 
only lines of research for my Nana's parentage and possible siblings for both 
Nana and my Grandfather Caldeira?


Saw your post on siblings having different DNA profiles and understand about 
variations; but my brother is resistant to do the test to help identify maybe 
more Caldeira/Sears relatives.  I of course am curious about me actually having 
more Italian/Greek DNA than Iberian  and would love to track that down, but I'm 
most concerned about who my paternal grandparents were and if they had siblings 
that lived in America who might lead me to 2nd and 3rd cousins who would have 
more family history.   So  help!  What other records or places should I be 
searching or posting on?   Thanks, Gwen Caldeira


On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 6:12 PM John Vasconcelos <> wrote:


My gggrandfather Jose de Freitas da Caldeira was born 02 Aug 1774, Caldeira, 
Mosteiro, Lajes das Flores, married 29 Aug 1796  at Nossa Sra dos Remediios (in 
Fajazinha) to Ana Pimentel, born 10 Oct 1776, Lajedo, Lajes das Flores. They 
were the parents of my ggrandfather Francisco de Freitas.

Caldeira is a small settlement (of about 2 or 3 houses) in the next valley over 
the hill from Fajazinha so the residents were parishinors of Nossa Sra dos 
Remedios. (Caldeira literally means crater and was the site of an ancient 
volcanic crater) So Caldeira is a location name and his full name could be 
translated to "Joe Freitas from Craterville"  These  suffixes (especially upon 
immigration) have a tendency of becoming the official surname. So we might be 

I have 3 or 4 more generations back, so if you are interested, email me at 
GfsJohnV at gmail dot com.

John Vasconcelos


On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 9:14 AM Cheri Mello <> wrote:

Repost for Gwen, 123caldeira at


Recently did DNA, am now backtracking to find info on paternal 
side (already had maternal DNA matches and know many maternal first-third 


My paternal grandmother's name was Mary Sears in some records, but Mary could 
be Maria, and Sears could be Soares.  No middle name known.    She died in 
Merced County in March, 1965, and  was born about 1889 possibly in Pico, 
Azores. We have nothing on the yr she emigrated nor port of entry, but family 
story is she worked on a sheep ranch in Idaho for a  few yrs under sponsorship 
of an uncle (no name) and may have had at least one brother here in the US (we 
think it was Anthony or Antonio Sears/Soares).  She married Joseph Freitas 
Caldeira (we think from Flores, Azores) in Contra Costa Cty in 1911, then 
settled in Gustine, CA, had 5 living children, including my Dad, Joseph (Jr).  
Joseph Freitas Caldeira 1921 death cert says his parents were Frank Freitas 
Caldeira and Mary Sousa of the Azores.  We have no info on Mary's parents' 
names; picked up the Pico, Azores birthplace from a Google Group string from 
2013 which seemed to match my grandmother's dates.    Using DNA matches from 
maternal relatives I've picked out  names of 2nd and 3rd cousins in my own DNA 
matches that I believe may be related to me through my paternal 
grandfather/grandmother;  no responses  yet from messages sent through so think I need more names/info on both paternal grands.


I'd appreciate help  picking up info or links  on both of my paternal 
grandparents, but especially on my grandmother  Mary/Maria Soares/Sears e.g. 
we'd like to find out if her maiden surname was really Sears or Soares or 
something else as my DNA ethnicity groups show unexpected possibility  of 
non-Portuguese lineage in the paternal greatgrandparent generation (Italian and 
Irish in very high percentages). Thanks, Gwen     

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