This is what I know about this record: 
It is the marriage record for Francisco Marques dos Santos and Francisca 
They were married in 1763 in Altares.
It is the record at the top of the left side of the page.

What I would like to find is the parents’ names. Any ideas?

Here is Francisca’s death record on the top of the left side of the page:

I know they had two children: Maria Joaquina (About 1749 – 2/22/1851) and 
Miguel Marques dos Santos(- 2/2/1782). I have their death records

I know that Francisco Marques dos Santos was married to Apolonia da Trindade on 
1/2/1784 in Altares, 
Here’s that marriage record.

Thanks, Doreen Caetano

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