I am regularly missing emails from this list and others, due to some
enhanced DMARC filters going online elsewhere since about early may.

In my case, I fixed it by switching mailman to "munge" email headers
per this guide here.


On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 6:47 AM Steven Honson
<babel-us...@steven.honson.au> wrote:
> Thank you for such a prompt reply Toke!
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2022, at 11:34 PM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
> >> At the moment I am using Bird 2 to handle both BGP and Babel, and it
> >> barely breaks a sweat, but would like to use babeld for the Babel
> >> component so to be able to leverage some of the additional features
> >> that the Bird implementation lacks.
> >
> > Which feature(s) are you missing in Bird? :)
> The two that I'd like to use are IPv4 with IPv6 next-hop (RFC 9229), mainly 
> to keep my network as IPv6 single stack as possible, with just IPv4 mainly on 
> loopbacks, and delay based metrics (draft-jonglez-babel-rtt-extension-02), as 
> in my case some Internet routing quirks mean that least-hops isn't always the 
> lowest latency path between my hosts.
> Neither are critical, and bird is doing a wonderful job, so it isn't a big 
> issue if I just keep forgoing these.
> >> Any clues what sort of limit I may have reached or how to mitigate
> >> this? Is the CPU being eaten up constantly monitoring and filtering
> >> route changes in my kernel routing table due to the constant churn of
> >> the global IPv6 table?
> >
> > Sounds like you could be hitting the same issue as described in this
> > thread?
> >
> > https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/babel-users/2022-February/003884.html
> That does indeed look like the same issue, thank you for the reference, I've 
> been subscribed to this list for quite a while now and somehow missed that. 
> That helps me understand what is going on a lot better.
> Cheers,
> Steven
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> Babel-users mailing list
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