On Sat, 11 Jun 2022, at 12:22 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:

> I've got a private branch that fixes the issue properly, but it needs some
> more massaging before it can be merged (there's a lot of code duplication
> in it right now).  In the meantime, I second Toke's suggestion that you
> help with testing of BIRD head, which has both the cool features you need.

Thanks Toke, I'm building a patched copy of Bird this evening to test out these 
two new features and will report back with some feedback once I've had it 
running for a few days. Great to see they are not far off in Bird.

Let me know if you'd like me to test your changes to babeld too Juliusz at some 
point, it is exciting that you have a fix in the works for this.


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