
Did you notice this passage:

> This problem could be solved by calculating the Babel metric based on the
> AS path length, but I am unsure if this is technically possible, on the
> other hand this may compromise the loop-free nature of Babel. This
> problem, but with no potential solution, also occurs with the Default
> Route.

I think the answer should be that no matter how you mess with the metrics
babel should still remain loop-free, right?

On Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 03:53:03PM +0100, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> Interestingly, the two networks use overlapping prefixes, which requires
> enumerating hundreds of prefixes in their filters.  This is a case where
> BIRD's support for Babel is likely to be useful: babeld's filtering
> engine is simply not designed for large numbers of filtering rules.

I guess it would also help if babel could send some kind of metadata along
with the routes. Like BGP communities or some such. Has this been thought
about already?

For example while debugging rtt based routing metrics I would have loved to
be able to send along the raw RTT value along with each route :)


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