On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:33:30PM +0100, Ian Forrester wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just wanted to announce the change of URL for Language News feeds.
> The page http://backstage.bbc.co.uk/data/LanguageNews?v=tz1 points to
> *.rdf named files which have changed to *.xml files now. (This page
> will be changed soon).


I just wondered why you'd made that change. I assumed that it would be
that you had switched to using a non-RDF version of RSS (like, RSS 2.0)
but I see that you're still using RSS 1.0 which is based on RDF. So
using an extension of .rdf and serving it with a MIME type of
'application/rdf+xml' would seem like the right thing to do.


  Stab a sorry heart
  With your favourite finger

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