Purely as a thought-experiment (cough), a wee ruby script that you might be able to adapt.


# Example
# >./pofinder G38DN
# >55.866061 -4.273608

require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'

agent = WWW::Mechanize.new

postcode = ARGV[0]
  gmap_url = "http://maps.google.com/maps?q="+postcode.gsub(' ', "+")
  gmap = agent.get(gmap_url).root.to_s;
  puts "Cannot derive coordinates for that postcode"

if matches = /lat:\s*(-?[0-9\.]+),\s*lng:\s*(-?[0-9\.]+)/.match(gmap)
  latitude = matches[1]
  longitude = matches[2]
  printf("%s %s\n", latitude, longitude)

On 16 Nov 2006, at 23:00, Dave Cross wrote:

I've got a couple of hundred full UK postcodes that I want to convert to lat/long values. And I thought to myself 1/ Postcoder would be the perfect tool to do that with and 2/ when I was working on Postcoder earlier this year there was lots of talk about releasing the API as part
of Backstage. But there were licensing problems.

So I just thought I'd ask if those licensing problems were any nearer to being solved and whether the Postcoder API was any closer to being made public.

Or, failing that, what other tools do people use to convert postcodes to lat/long? It seems to me that the Google Maps GeoCoder object doesn't understand UK postcodes.


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