Hi Jason,

Does anyone know what the requirements of the rights holders are within this particular area? I would love to see a list, then another legal solution may become available.....

On 24 Jan 2007, at 08:43, Jason Cartwright wrote:

All my personal point of view, as usual

> Seriously guys why the need for DRM, I've only just reconciled myself that I'm not going to get radio in ogg format, and will have to put up with real player as long as I want Radio on demand; now this?!

Most BBC stations have a Windows Media stream as well now, I believe.

If you come up with a solution to distribute content that satisfies all the requirements of the relevant rights holders then there is whole industry of people willing to give you money. Otherwise, its Windows Media Player DRM all the way if you want to want to get at that content at all, legally.


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