On 26/06/07, Brian Butterworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The BBC should be, in my humble opinion, about creating content for the
use of licence fee payers.  As long as no payment is received, licence fee
payers should be able to watch, listen, store, forward, cut-and-paste and
mash up any content that is created in their name and with their cash.
It's the only way to have a licence-fee funded BBC in ten years time.

The arguments about this have been rehashed over and over again. You are not
going to persuade anyone at the BBC of the rightness of your position by
posting to this list. I happen to think you're completely wrong, on pretty
much every count, but I'm not going to get involved with it here because
it's frankly insulting to everyone on the list who's not interested in these
interminable arguments which never actually get anywhere.

If you're actually interested in a meaningful debate, as opposed to
meaningless posturing, then post a coherent argument on a blog, send the
list the link, and we can debate it via blog posts. Then anyone who's
actually interested can follow and contribute to the discussion, while those
who aren't won't have to suffer it.

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