On 27/11/2007, Richard Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2007/nov/27/bbc.itv?gusrc=rss&feed=technology
> No real technical details, more a re-hashed press release, but an
> interesting idea nontheless.

This was the original plan, wasn't it?

It also makes me think that someone somewhere (a certain Scott with the
initials GB) has said that there won't be another licence fee after the
current one runs out....

I can only be GB - I suspect he lent on Tessa "Shit For Brains"* Jowell in
the past.

* (c) Mark Thompson

> Cheers,
> R.
> (Waits for this news to descend into "DRM-Bad, Free-Good!!" ranting...)

Please email me back if you need any more help.

Brian Butterworth

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