cool stuff richard.

so how do/should we expose GUIDs to the outside world, in a sorta "Web" kind of 
way? cause it's not enough to just generate unique IDs internally, we also have 
to "broadcast" their, um, "meaning" to the world at large...

in other words, seems like you need the ID, some metadata to describe the thing 
ID'd, and a publishing/broadcasting mechanism so that other people/systems know 
you have info to communicate.

a la:

sounds like the Web to me... and MusicBrainz, for instance, is an example of 
all of the above, no?

but now, don't we need an EverythingBrainz (as a colleague of mine recently put 

(BTW, i'm a person that feels that URLs, by definition, are GUIDs)



-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Richard Cartwright
Sent: Tue 3/4/2008 5:31 PM
To: BBC Backstage
Subject: Re: [backstage] What would you love to see coming out of BBC Vision in 
the near future?

I¹ve a lot of recent experience with 16-byte UUIDs for identifying content
(RFC 4122) and the slightly more media-savy 32-byte Unique Material
Identification (UMID) from SMPTE (SMPTE 330M). Both standards are the basis
for the Advanced Authoring Format, an industry standard used by video
production tools from companies such as Avid and Quantel, and the related
Material Exchange Format (MXF) used for production material interchange and
now supported by a number of broadcast quality cameras, transcoders etc..

UUIDs are also known as GUIDs and are common to Microsoft Windows OS. Many
unix OSs have a ³uuidgen² command to create UUIDs. Java has a
³java.util.UUID² class for generating and representing UUIDs. UUIDs are very
well supported and have been the subject of some interesting security issues
as without careful use they can expose your host ids outside your network.

I am working on a media-specific Java API for AAF and MXF that includes
support for UUIDs and UMIDs. Both can be generated at source and, as long as
a consistent generation strategy is used, should be globally unique.


On 4/3/08 12:40, "Chris Sizemore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> anyone got any thoughts or experiences with the "UUID system for uniquely
> identifying objects" mentioned below? in our collective opinion and
> experience, is there anything like that, or close to that, in existence yet?

Dr Richard Cartwright
media systems architect

mobile +44 (0)7792 799930

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