Are you sure you haven't got the font size turned up in Opera? I know that
I've had to turn it up/down in both IE and firefox before having
accidentally put it up for one reason or another.
I can't remember how it's done in Opera (and being at work I can't check)
but it's ctrl +  or ctrl - in firefox


On 11/03/2008, Matthew Somerville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know who would be the right person to contact about the fact
> that some BBC News pages now (as in, it only started very recently) appear
> quite different in Opera 9 to Firefox and IE? It's only the body text font
> size on pages with a <div class="storybody">, which makes me think it's
> probably not deliberate. :-)
> For example, this one is currently the same in all here:
> But this one looks like this:
>      Firefox/IE :
>      Opera 9    :
> My default font size is the same in all browsers. It appears that in
> Quirks
> Mode, Opera displays font-size:small etc. differently to in Standards
> mode:
> As says:
> "CSS font sizes are increased by one in quirks mode compared to Standards
> mode: In Internet Explorer/Windows (except IE6 in standards compliant
> mode)
> font-size: small is interpreted as the initial font size. Opera in Quirks
> Mode emulates this behavior, but uses font-size: medium in Standards Mode.
> This means that the absolute font size keywords are "one size larger" in
> Quirks Mode."
> ATB,
> Matthew  |
> -
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