Yep! I'm going off to pWn the Gruniad's site now by downloading it to my PC
using the 1337 h4x0r tool known as Firefox!

Seriously that article is downright funny in how it goes out of it's way to
avoid how these "hackers" are "circumvent[ing] the BBC's anti-piracy
My guess is that the stupid journo doesn't either actually understand the
issues or didn't bother to find out how people were getting the DRM free
stream; stupid or lazy, take your pick.

The BBC response article is only marginally better, again referring to
"hackers" for no apparent reason though they at least have a motive to
mislead: propaganda. Though I probably shouldn't attribute to malice what's
adequately explained by stupidity.


On 13/03/2008, Steve Jolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> vijay chopra wrote:
> > I like the way that the article suggests I'm suddenly a 1337 h4x0r
> > because I can chnge the user agent on my browser.
> See? I knew people would appreciate it. :-)
> S
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