First there is no such thing as the "EUCD law", all EU member states
interpret and implement EU directives how they want.
I believe that the UK implementation of the EU copyright directive is  The
Copyright and related rights regulations 2003

I belive the relevant section of the act is
IANAL, but as I read it  "Circumvention of technical devices applied to
computer programs" is only unlawful if you're doing it in order to start
selling copies of $copyrighted_work, breaking DRM in order to watch Dr Who
on you Linux box won't earn you a criminal record.


On 13/03/2008, Dave Crossland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 13/03/2008, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When the BBC limits the MP4 stream to Apple hardware devices, it is
> implementing DRM, which it is certainly illegal to break in the USA
> (because of the DMCA law) and I believe illegal to break across the
> EU, including the UK, because of the EUCD law. (But I don't know of
> people being jailed under EUCD, whereas dozens have been in the USA.)

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