On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 13:15, Ian Forrester <ian.forres...@bbc.co.uk> wrote:

> So during the rest of the discussion and reading this -
> http://orchard.co.uk/Blog/Google-Wave-much-maligned-but-missunderstood-128.aspx,
> I'm wondered if Google had put out wave too early for consumers?
>From the post
"Had Google have waited maybe a year or two longer, and launched a slicker

I think Wave would never have been a slick product at release, no matter how
long they kept it either closed completely or in developer only preview. Had
they waited longer it might have been a bit quicker and a bit less buggy,
but it would still have left a lot of people confused. In order to be a
great product, it's going to need a lot of people giving it it a try and
telling Google what works and what doesn't. Which means releasing a half
baked product to relatively few people and telling them from the start that
it's half baked and that their comments and criticisms are needed - which is
what the Wave team have done.

Thinking about it, I would challenge that it has been put out to
"consumers". When Wave is open to everyone without an invite, then it will
have been released to consumers. At the moment, most of the people using are
more early adopter than average consumer.


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