Paul Fox writes:

> hi -- i recently realized that there are some pretty big files on
> my system that change frequently, and which don't need to be
> backed up -- mail index files, for example.
> i'd like to be able to flag any file or directory that i want
> backuppc to skip by adding a "._nobackup_" suffix to its name.
> will this do the trick?  (backup method is tar)
>     $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = { '/proc'. '*._nobackup_' };

You need a comma instead of a period.  Otherwise it should work.

> i'd also kind of like to be able to tell backuppc to skip ".o"
> object files, but there are places where i don't want to do that,
> like under /lib/modules.  if i exclude "*.o", can i force inclusion
> of all of /lib/modules by putting it into $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} ? 
> the docs are a little ambiguous on this for the tar method --
> i.e., for smb only one of BackupFilesOnly and BackupFilesExclude
> is used.  but what about for tar, and in what order are they
> processed?

The behavior depends upon the XferMethod, which is tar in your
case.  $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} is a set of directories to backup.
Each entry of $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} is sent to tar with the
--exclude option.  This provides a set of regular expressions that
are applied to any file to see if it matches, and therefore should
be skipped.  Therefore, $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} applies equally
to every directory in $Conf{BackupFilesOnly}.  So I don't think
you can accomplish what you want with tar.

The only alternative I can think of is to split the top-level
directories into seperate "shares" (ie: put them in $Conf{TarShareName}
instead of $Conf{BackupFilesOnly}), and then use share-specific
settings in $Conf{BackupFilesExclude}.  The causes a different
transfer (ie: tar) to be done for each "share".

Rsync allows richer exclude/include options, and by adding the
right --include and --exclude options to the RsyncClientCmd you
should be able to include just .o files below /lib/modules and
exclude all the others.


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