On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 08:07, Justin R. Pessa wrote:
> No problem! Like you, I spent a while trying to wrap my head around the 
> way I was running BackupPC, to make certain it was a realistic 
> procedure. I'm glad to see others have come to use similar methods!

If you browse through the list archives you'll find a number of
approaches.  You can use RAID1, periodically swapping one of
the members and re-syncing, unmount and do a dd image copy,
copy a pc directory at a time, then run something to fix up
the hardlinks on the copy, or just archive a tar image of
the hosts elsewhere.

> Another growth issue I have with BackupPC is scaling. What do you plan 
> to do when you've got hundreds of backup hosts?

The best approach is to not allow critical data to be splattered
over hundreds of hosts in the first place.  If these aren't
laptops, make sure all work that needs to be backed up lands
on one or a few servers.

> Currenty we've a network with one subnet (10.20.30.X). My plan is (and 
> feel free to pick at this) to have one BackupPC server *per* subnet, 
> with adequate storage for all the users. Then back the subnet servers 
> via BackupPC to one huge server that will be hosted on the back plane of 
> the network (hopefully fiber by that point!).

I don't think it will be practical to let one backuppc system
back up another, although I've always wished it could for
a similar scenario where the 'sub' levels are in remote
offices.   I think it could be made to work but would require
extra code in the server to not copy the pool, understand
that the files are already compressed, and use some efficient
method to only copy updated files on each run.

> I'd then have to decide 
> how I'd rotate disks off site. Perhaps I'd rotate them on a per subnet 
> basis, instead of rotating them from the top most server? Or, perhaps 
> not even *having* a top most server and simply rotating disks out of 
> each respective subnet backup server?

Rotating the disks on each server is workable if you can find
someone to do it.  In my case the backups mostly run at night so
I use my own linux desktop box with a couple of IDE drives
in a RAID1 configuration plus a set of matching external
firewire drives that are rotated weekly by adding to the
RAID1 and removing after the sync is complete. 

  Les Mikesell

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