Well, thanks for the reply.  The command I allow is nice\ -n\ 19\
sudo\ /usr/bin/rsync\ --server*  (notice the star) because the command
line changes depending on what arguments are passed.  The actual
command is really, really long.  I'd prefer to restrict the user to
only running rsync, but I haven't been successful.

> In the message dated: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 23:09:31 EST,
> The pithy ruminations from "Brian Wilson" on
> <[BackupPC-users] escaping command line options> were:
>         [SNIP!]
> =>
> => Anyways, I'm attempting to do a remote rsync of a machine over ssh
> => with sudo.  The backup is successful as long as I don't use the
> => command="/home/user/bin/rsync-wrapper.sh" directive in my ssh
> => authorized_keys file.  I am guessing it has something to do with the
> => escaping of things as they get passed to the script.
> =>
> => The script doesn't modify the command passed to it, it just checks to
> => make sure I'm running an allowed command:
> =>
> => #!/bin/sh
> =>
> => case "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" in
> =>         *\&*)
> =>                 echo "Rejected"
> =>                 ;;
> =>         *\(*)
> =>                 echo "Rejected"
> =>                 ;;
> =>         *\{*)
> =>                 echo "Rejected"
> =>                 ;;
> =>         *\;*)
> =>                 echo "Rejected"
> =>                 ;;
> =>         *\<*)
> =>                 echo "Rejected"
> =>                 ;;
> =>         *\`*)
> =>                 echo "Rejected"
> =>                 ;;
> This looks good at first, but it's almost certain to be incomplete...it's
> extremely difficult to accurately specify all commands and meta-character
> patterns that should be _excluded_. For example; what about:
>         ssh server nice -n 19 sudo \
>                 /usr/bin/rsync --server /path/that/does/not/exist || \
>                 perl -p -i -e 's/^root:[^:]+//' /etc/shadow'
> (untested, but this should be allowed by your wrapper script...when the rsync
> command fails, because "/path/that/does/not/exist", then the perl command gets
> run, as root. The perl command will remove the root password from the
> /etc/shadow file).
> =>         nice\ -n\ 19\ sudo\ /usr/bin/rsync\ --server*)
> =>                 $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND
> =>                 ;;
> =>         *)
> =>                 echo "Rejected"
> =>                 ;;
> => esac
> =>
> => When going through the rsync-wrapper, the backup happens, but it backs
> If I understand it, the only allowed command is:
>         nice -n 19 sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server
> correct?
>         [SNIP!]
> =>
> => If someone has a better suggestion for a wrapper script so I can only
> => allow this user to run the backup command over ssh, then please let me
> => know.
> Well, ssh has a native mechanism for restricting the commands that can be run.
> Establish an ssh public key pair to be used exclusively for backups. On the
> server, use the "command" option in the authorized_keys file, in the subset
> for the specified key, as in:
> ----------excerpt from /root/.ssh/authorized_keys -----------------------
>         command="nice -n 19 sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server" 1024 35 1600....1821
>         rsync-proxy
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Once this is set up:
>                 supply the "rsync-proxy" ssh key, either via the
>                 command line, or prior to establishing the connection
>                 by using "ssh-agent" and "ssh-add".
> Regardless of what arguments (if any) the untrusteduser gives to the ssh
> command when they connect to backupserver, only the command specified in the
> authorized_keys file will be run.
> See:
>         man sshd
>         http://www.snailbook.com/faq/restricted-scp.auto.html
>         http://www.dmz.ie/~cian/sshroles.html
>         http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/20040923.html
> Mark
> =>
> => Thanks,
> => Brian
> ----
> Mark Bergman
> Seeking a Unix/Linux sysadmin position local to Philadelphia or telecommuting
> http://wwwkeys.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=bergman%40merctech.com

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