> dude, maybe you should start at making sure that ALL sessions to that file is closed.

> ie. make sure the user's outlook is CLOSED, make sure that exchange isnt trying to poll that file, wich it shouldnt but make sure of this.
> this is the start of the error:
> "Error reading file \Documents and Settings\madalynw\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Madalyns Personal Folders.pst : NT_STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT&nbsp;<br />
> im backing up 4GB and bigger pst's no sweat,

Thanks Winston,


I agree that your suggestions would work around the problem, but it unfortunately wouldn’t solve the underlying issue.


The backup completes properly when there isn’t any lock on the PST file… when there is, the backup goes berserk from that point (as you saw in the log file). I’m trying to figure out why the backup goes berserk simply because a file is locked.


There isn’t any way I can *guarantee* that the user is logged off with Outlook closed when a backup occurs. The PST file should get skipped if Outlook has it locked, but it shouldn’t ruin the remainder of the backup, in my experience.


I’ve got lots of other machines backing up properly when Outlook is open – it just skips the PST file and warns the user that their outlook data needs to be backed up. For some reason, though, this one is different. I can’t see what’s different other than the size of the PST file.


Anyone have any ideas for solving the issue instead of working around it?



On 2/20/06, Justin Best < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When Outlook is running, the PST file is locked and the backup fails

I've been going with the assumption that this error was due to the
apostrophe in the PST file name, since I *thought* the error disappeared
when I renamed "Madalyn's Personal Folders.pst" to "Madalyns Personal
Folders.pst". I've since discovered that I was wrong.

See attached log file for details. The error occurs consistently when
BackupPC tries to back up this particular PST file, and can't because the
PST file is locked. I get a ton of weird garbage in the log immediately
following the attempt to back up the PST file.

How do I go about troubleshooting this? My next guess is that it's related
to the large size of the PST file in question. (> 2GB)


Justin Best

Winston Nolan

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