On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 10:27:42AM -0600, Bryan Penney wrote:
> On the status page the pool information is reported as
> Pool is 227.53GB comprising 1157013 files and 4369 directories (as of 
> 2/28 08:33),
> When I run df -h /dev/sda3 (the raid backuppc is on) I get:
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda3             1.9T  222G  1.6T  12% /var/lib/backuppc
> This means that the status page reports the pool file being 5G larger 
> than the space being used on the drive.  This backup machine's pool was 
> originally rsync'd off of our old backupPC machine.
> This could mean that I am missing some data, some hard links are double 
> counted, or that backupPC is doing some sort of rounding.
> Any ideas which one(s) are more likely?

What filesystem is your pool on?  I know at least reiserfs, by default,
stores the tails of files in the tree, although du will still report a full
block being used for the file.  On my system, backuppc reports that the
pool is 16.19GB and df reports 15G.  It just means the filesystem is


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