Bryan Penney writes:

> On the status page the pool information is reported as
> Pool is 227.53GB comprising 1157013 files and 4369 directories (as of 
> 2/28 08:33),
> When I run df -h /dev/sda3 (the raid backuppc is on) I get:
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda3             1.9T  222G  1.6T  12% /var/lib/backuppc
> This means that the status page reports the pool file being 5G larger 
> than the space being used on the drive.  This backup machine's pool was 
> originally rsync'd off of our old backupPC machine.
> This could mean that I am missing some data, some hard links are double 
> counted, or that backupPC is doing some sort of rounding.
> Any ideas which one(s) are more likely?

BackupPC uses 1000MB (not 1024MB) for "G", while df uses 2^30
(1024MB).  So the BackupPC number will be 2.4% higer.

I should probably change BackupPC to use 2^30 too; I don't know
why I picked 1000 * 2^20 - maybe that's what disk drives use
for raw capacity?

The pool size is the sum of the number of blocks used for each
file in the pool.  In general that should be less than reported
by "df" since the pc directories contain full directory trees
(just containing hardlinks of course) and Xfer log files that
occupy some disk space.

So your results above make sense if you have copied the pool
but there aren't too many backups saved.


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