Craig Barratt wrote:
Tomasz Chmielewski writes:

I can't do a backup of a Windows share (accessed via smb method), which contains files that are denied for the user which connects.

Whenever backuppc approaches a directory it can't access, it breaks the backup (and starts from the beginning on a next full hour, approaching the same file/dir, breaking...).

2006-03-27 05:23:21 Got fatal error during xfer ( directory \Share\group01\Homes\j.bib\) 2006-03-27 05:23:26 Backup aborted ( directory \Share\group01\Homes\j.bib\)

Is there a configuration option for backuppc that would make it continue on non-fatal errors (like permission denied above on one file among many)?

Permission denied should not be a fatal error.

Please look earlier in the log file and see what
the fatal error message is.  Certain errors from
sbmclient are considered fatal.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it doesn't have anything to do with permissions.
Can it be that it bails out at some UTF-8 characters, like Cyrillic or German umlauts?

Tomasz Chmielewski

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