Tony Molloy wrote:
On Wednesday 12 April 2006 15:19, Les Stott wrote:

I have a client with 50 or so pcs, all doing rsync backups throughout
the day to a backuppc server. Works Great.

We also have a linux box running a Cyrus Imap Store and we were running
rsync backups too, just getting the cyrus directories. This was working
great until a month or so ago when the rsync's started failed with
"Child Exited Prematurely".

My guess was that because the mail store had grown over time to 16gb,
which would have comprised many thousands of files, that the list of
files were too big  and timing out.

I know i could make multiple rsync shares and have the number of files
per rsync reduced, but because its cyrus imap its difficult to split
the store up, unless you do it for every user directory (a-z).

I am going to change strategy and backup the imap store locally to tar
and then use backuppc to sync the tar files. Each of the compressed
tar's is about 10gb. So each day at least 10gb will be pumped across
the network which will be gigabit.

However i want to ensure that this only happens at night and doesn't
interfere with the day to day operations.

So whats the best way to ensure this happens?

I guess i cant set a per host wake up schedule because thats global
right? I still want to have all pc's backup during the day normally.

1. Blackout Periods? Lets say I only want to backup between 1am and
6am. I can set a blackout period fine, but how do i manage...
...on a single host basis?
Do i just set $Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt} = 0; in the per pc config file?

2. Alternatively is there a way to schedule a backup of this  host via
cron? and just disable regular backups?





This will only allow backups for a particular Server take place between 
Midnight and 8am.

It goes in the pc/servername directory.

#   Don't do backups between 8am and Midnight
#   Servers should be backed up overnight
$Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt}      = 0;
$Conf{BlackoutBadPingLimit} = 3;
$Conf{BlackoutPeriods} = [
        hourBegin =>  8.0,
        hourEnd   => 24.0,
        weekDays  => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],



Thanks Tony.


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