Hi all,

Some time ago I raised a question if it was possible to merge two 
servers together into one server, but no response came on that 
questions, therefore I would like to ask it again.

I have two backup servers which were running fine, until we had a power 
outage and one of the servers found it cool to give up life.  The server 
that is still working has enough space to contain also the backups of 
the dead server.  I was wondering now if it is possible to join both 
servers into one big one?  I can imagine that just copying the pc 
directory into the other one, will not work, because of the cpool right?

Any help would be enormously appreciated.

"Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp."
        Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
                Guide to the Galaxy

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