* Les Mikesell is quoted & my replies are inline below :
> Troy Piggins wrote:
> > By default my backuppc is backing up to
> > /var/lib/backuppc/pc/localhost for example.  I back up only 2
> > machines - localhost (Ubuntu linux) via tar and a WindowsXP via smb.
> > 
> > All was going well until I added some dirs from the Windows
> > machine, the backup jumped to about 40Gb and has filled the disk.
> > 
> > I only have 1.5Mb free space on drive /var is mounted on.  Unless
> > you've done this before, you have no idea how hard it is to do
> > things with no spare space.
> > 
> > As I type this I am 
> > 'cp -a /var/lib/backuppc/pc/windows /mnt/hda4' to get windows off
> > to another partition.  Then I'll 'sudo rm -rf
> > /var/lib/backuppc/pc/windows' to free the space.
> > 
> > My questions:
> > 
> > - is there a better way to migrate in future?
> > - is there a way to tell backuppc to store backups somewhere
> >   else?  or should I just mount another partition to
> >   /var/lib/backuppc/pc or similar?
> > 
> > Any recommendations?
> The pool/cpool directory and the pc directory must be on the same 
> filesystem in order for the hardlinks to work.  The only way you can add 

Aah, I'd been reading about the hardlinks and wasn't sure to what
extent they were relevant.  As I said, I moved the .../pc dir,
but didn't move the .../pool or .../cpool dirs.

> extra drives is if you are using LVM or a similar system that allows 
> mapping multiple drives underneath a single filesystem that can grow,
> and then any single drive failure will lose data.
> I'd recommend copying what you have in /var/lib/backuppc to a much 
> larger drive or raid (which may take a long time to reconstruct the 
> hardlinks), then mount it or symlink the mount point into 
> /var/lib/backuppc.   Or keep what you have for emergencies and start 
> over with a new setup on a larger drive.  Depending on how much you need 
> those old backups and how long it will take to get new runs, they may 
> not be worth the time it takes to copy them.

I think I'll do the latter - add new drive and start again.


Troy Piggins             ,-O   (o-    O         All your sigs are belong to us.
http://piggo.com/~troy  O   )  //\     O
RLU#415538               `-O   V_/_  OOO

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