Hi all -

I've been running solaris 10 as my backuppc server for quite a while

It mostly has worked fine.

However, recently, I have frequently been bitten by solaris UFS filesystem
bugs; the filesystem becomes corrupted for no good reason.

I'd blame my hardware if i hadn't had similar experiences several years
ago (on solaris) with an application that was written to use flat files
as a "database".

the filesystem just didn't like lots and lots of small files and the
system panicked every few weeks, and fsck took FOREVER.  I'm guessing
it doesn't like lots of hard links, either, and my fscks have taken
over two days (admittedly, i am using slow disks).

I'm converting my system to run on linux as i write this.  

Anyway, just a word of warning.  I wouldn't be surprised if nobody
else had ever run this on Solaris, and I'd like nobody else to 
run into the problems I have.

ps - converting to use ZFS would likely fix this set of problems, but
i'm nervous that it would introduce more, ZFS is just not mature yet.

Dan Pritts, System Administrator
office: +1-734-352-4953 | mobile: +1-734-834-7224

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