
Maybe someone can point out to me what I am doing wrong....

I have one host working just fine for already a couple of months...
So, now I wanted to add another machine to be backed up. So, I edited
the hosts file and added another almost identical line to it. Now, it
looks like this:

host        dhcp    user    moreUsers     # <--- do not edit this line
tbiqdev     0       yaakov
yaakovlt    0       backup

The tbiqdev is the old one. It's showing up and working just fine. The
'yaakovlt' one doesn't show up in the browser (I have apache setup). I
have restarted both BackupPC and Apache, but only 'tbiqdev' is showing

I also placed a yaakovlt.pl into ./pc/ folder with preferences. Still nothing.

Anyone see what I did wrong?


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