just wanted to let anyone interested in opensolaris/ZFS for backuppc my
current status.

i am running an alpha of nexenta(opensolaris kernel+ubuntu 7.06)

3 hitachi 250GB SATA drive

i have the ubuntu backports backuppc3 running on this machine, archiving on
a ZFS volume which is about %90 of each hard disk in a ZRAID config and i
have the ZFS compression module turned on.

in backuppc I have compression turned OFF as im letting ZFS handle it.

the good=
ZFS seems to compress the files will less CPU usage that backuppc.
ZFS seems to have *slightly* lower file sizes(that backuppc with compression
on 3)
Backuppc's CGI interface works much faster with a lot of files.  im not sure
if this is because compression is off or because ZFS is good.
i can unplug a hard disk and plug it back in and ZFS recovers without
bringing the filesystem down.
i can add another hard disk and add it to the ZFS volume and i will
automatically become a ZRAID member, which = more space and more

the bad=
only that nexenta is still pretty much beta and has a few system glitches.
i have had no backup problems but i have some weird little system issues
that are solved with a reboot.

hope someone finds this interesting and usable.
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