Are you sure that rsync is installed on the host machine?


Les Mikesell wrote:
> John Rouillard wrote:
>>   2007-10-25 10:54:00 Aborting backup up after signal PIPE
>>   2007-10-25 10:54:01 Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=PIPE)
> This means the problem is on the other end of the link - or at least 
> that the ssh driving it exited.
>>   lastlog got digests fdb1c560d9ba822ab4ffa635d4b5f67f vs
>>   fdb1c560d9ba822ab4ffa635d4b5f67f
>>     create   400       0/0       65700 lastlog
>>   Can't write 33932 bytes to socket
>>   Sending csums, cnt = 16, phase = 1
>>   Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
> The process on the remote side is gone at this point.
>> If I am reading this right, the last file handled before the signal is
>> /var/log/lastlog which is << 2GB (65K approx). When the signal occurs,
>> I guess /var/log/ldap is the file in progress.
>> The ldap file is 22GB in size:
>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] log]$ ls -l ldap 
>>   -rw-------  1 root root 22978928497 Oct 25 18:46 ldap
>> Could the size be the issue?
> Yes, it sounds very likely that whatever is sending the file on the 
> remote side can't handle files larger than 2 gigs.
>> I have:
>>    $Conf{ClientTimeout} = 72000;
>> which is 20 hours and the sigpipe is occurring before then.
> You'd see sigalarm instead of sigpipe if you had a timeout.
>> Also is there a way to tail the xfer logs in realtime while the daemon
>> is controling the backup? So I don't have to wait for the backup to
>> finish?
> You aren't going to see a problem in the log file - the other end is 
> crashing.

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