On 2008/07/01 11:47, fatima ech-charif wrote:
> Hi
>  i installed backuppc in ubuntu gusty 7.10
> with this process:
> *******************************************************************************************************************************
> # apt-get install openssl openssh-client rsync apache2-utils
> libdigest-md5-perl libarchive-zip-perl libfile-rsyncp-perl perl-suid
> smbclient samba-common sysv-rv par2 lighttpd postfix
> Note postfix is optional and I use lighttpd.  If you want apache your
> on your own.
> # cd /tmp
> # wget
> http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/backuppc/BackupPC-3.1.0.tar.gz
> # tar xzf BackupPC-3.1.0.tar.gz
> # cd BackupPC-3.1.0
> # useradd -r -d /etc/BackupPC -s /bin/bash backuppc
> # mkdir /etc/BackupPC && chown backuppc:backuppc /etc/BackupPC
> # mkdir /var/www/backuppc
> # perl configure.pl
> --> Full path to existing main config.pl []?
>        [enter]
> --> Are these paths correct? [y]?
>        [enter]
> --> BackupPC will run on host [server.somedomain.tld]?
>        Your host name or [enter]
> --> BackupPC should run as user [backuppc]?
>        [enter]
> --> Install directory (full path) [/usr/local/BackupPC]?
>        [enter]
> --> Data directory (full path) [/data/BackupPC]?
>        Full path to where you want to store backups.
> --> Compression level [3]?
>        I use 3.  [enter]
> --> CGI bin directory (full path) []?
>        /var/www/backuppc
> --> Apache image directory (full path) []?
>        /var/www/backuppc
> --> URL for image directory (omit http://host <http://host/>; starts
> with '/') []?
>        /backuppc
> --> Do you want to continue? [y]?
>        [enter]
> # chown -R backuppc:www-data /var/www/backuppc /etc/BackupPC
> # mv /var/www/backuppc/BackupPC
> _Admin /var/www/backuppc/admin
> # chmod 4554 /var/www/backuppc/admin
> # cp init.d/debian-backuppc /etc/init.d/backuppc
> # chown root:root /etc/init.d/backuppc
> # chmod 755 /etc/init.d/backuppc
> # update-rc.d backuppc default
> # cd /etc/lighttpd
> This next part creates a self signed ssl certificate.  Self signed is
> better than nothing for sure however with firefox/mozilla you will
> have to accept it tempararly every time.  You can desside if
> encryption is worth it for you or not.  I use it.  You can make the
> days to experation greater if you wish.
> # openssl req -new -x509 -keyout lighttpd.pem -out lighttpd.pem -days
> 365 -nodes
> No we are going to create you backuppc users for use in your
> /etc/BackupPC/hosts file.  There must be at least one.  You can give
> these users different privilages in the backuppc web interface.  Ok
> lets create the first user and the file.
> # htdigest -c backuppc.auth.htdigest backuppc admin
> To create a second user the command is the same just drop the -c flag
> and change the username from admin to something you want.
> Now we need to setup the lighttpd.conf.  Use your favorite editor to
> open /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf.  I use nano my self.
> # nano -w /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
> Find the server.modules section and add these three lines if they are
> not there:
>            "mod_cgi",
>            "mod_redirect",
>            "mod_auth",
> Now go to the end of the file and add the following:
> ----snip--------------------------------------------
> auth.debug = 0
> auth.backend = "htdigest"
> auth.backend.htdigest.userfile = "/etc/lighttpd/backuppc.auth.htdigest"
> auth.require = ( "/backuppc" =>
>  ( "method"  => "digest",
>    "realm"   => "backuppc",
>    "require" => "valid-user"
>  )
> )
> cgi.assign = (
>        "/backuppc/admin" => ""
> )
> $SERVER["socket"] == ":443" {
>  ssl.engine = "enable"
>  ssl.use-sslv2 = "disable"
>  ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.pem"
> }
> # Only allow acess to the backup pc interface over https.
> $SERVER["socket"] == ":80" {
>  $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" {
>    url.redirect = ( "^/backuppc(.*)" => "https://%0/backuppc$1"; )
>  }
> }
> ----snip--------------------------------------------
> Now we will update the backuppc config.pl file to give full
> privlilages to the admin user we created for the web interface.
> # sed -i -r -e "s/\\\$Conf\{CgiAdminUsers\} +=
> ''/\\\$Conf\{CgiAdminUsers\} = 'admin'/" /etc/BackupPC/config.pl
> Ok now we should be ready to restart the webserver and startup backuppc.
> # /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
> # /etc/init.d/backuppc start
> if all goes well that should be it.  You can now browse to the
> backuppc cgi interface by using:
> https://ip.of.your.server/backuppc/admin
>  ****************************************************************************
> BUT    i have this problem:
> II can't open backuppc ' interface web
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