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>> To Adam Goryachev, I don't have any interest in CentOS (and
> judging by
>> other posts in this thread, competence with it either). The
> company I
>> work for got roped in using it for an individual project, as
> another
>> vendor brought in to do the telephony portion of this project
> will only
>> work on RHEL 4.5 and luckily (for the bottom line) CentOS 4.7.
> I've
>> been strictly a Debian user since Woody, and this whole
> experience has
>> confirmed to me that my default choice was correct!
I'm guessing your telephony system will be some commercial version of
asterisk? I would seriously question the idea of putting both your
telephony system and backuppc on the same machine !
Apart from keeping the backups on the same system as your live server,
there are the performance impacts which may easily cause problems to
your telephone call quality.....

Just a heads up.... I would prefer two separate boxes for the task.

Oh, and I am sure redhat is still just fine as an os, it is a matter
of using it for a period of time to learn the quirks, just as I am
sure you would need to use debian for a while to learn it's quirks.
Still I prefer debian due to the reliability of the packaged system,
and the management tools (dunno how apt compares to yum, I stopped
when redhat still used rpm), oh, and of course the cost is right :)

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