On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Adam Goryachev <
mailingli...@websitemanagers.com.au> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I'm guessing your telephony system will be some commercial version of
> asterisk? I would seriously question the idea of putting both your
> telephony system and backuppc on the same machine !
> Apart from keeping the backups on the same system as your live server,
> there are the performance impacts which may easily cause problems to
> your telephone call quality.....
> Just a heads up.... I would prefer two separate boxes for the task.

I don't believe it is commercial asterisk, but I don't know and wasn't
consulted on that. There is a PCI card added that directly interfaces with
PRI phone lines. That card wasn't provided by the people that insisted on
RHEL 4.5/CentOS 4.7, and cost around $5000 US dollars, which is well more
than the brand new servers themselves cost.  I haven't touched asterisk in
years (2003 or 2004 was the last time I used it), but at that time
everything I knew about was done over TCP/IP, and this card isn't TCP/IP, it
is some direct interface.

This BackupPC isn't going to be backing up an office or anything of the
sort, there's just 2 linux servers, one doing the telephony and the other
being the database of data to make the calls from. As what is really
important is the database, it made more sense to put BackupPC on the
telephony server. A 3rd (BackupPC only) server was ruled out on space and
cost, so the point of failure kicked in. If the telephony box dies the
database still exists, and the telephony is under contract to be rebuilt
(though /var thereby /var/lib/backuppc as well lives on its own SAS disks),
whereas keeping the database backup is my responsibility, and I'm familiar
with BackupPC, though again, obviously not installing it on an out-of-date
OS that's new to me!

Beyond all that, the telephony will be silent well above 99.9% of the time.
It isn't making phone calls unless something on the order of natural
disaster or a terrorist attack occur, and the continental US (save one day
of infamy in 2001) is relatively safe. Our geographic location is light on
natural disasters, but should one occur, this entire install is put in place
to forewarn folks. Should the true purpose of this box kick on, I can easily
script a something along the lines of {if telephony = ON, then
/etc/init.d./backuppc stop}.

Thanks again for everyone's help, I'm a longtime lurker on these boards, and
I was quite pleased to have support when my usualy install conditions were
thrown out!
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