On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 10:13:08AM -0700, dan wrote:

> If the disk usage is the same as before the pool, the issue isnt hardlinks
> not being maintained.  I am not convinced that XFS is an ideal filesystem.
> I'm sure it has it's merits, but I have lost data on 3 filesystems ever,
> FAT*, XFS and NTFS.  I have never lost data on reiserfs3 or ext2,3.

I've lost data on reiserfs, but it's been a while ago. I've been using
XFS for my BackupPC pool for about 2 years now and it's performance is
okay (the pool used to be reiserfs). Since I also changed hardware, I
cannot compare 1:1. Perceived performance of XFS vs. reiserfs is about
the same.

> I say switch back to ext3.

Which isn't that easy given a reasonably large BackuPC pool...


"What we nourish flourishes." - "Was wir nähren erblüht."


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