On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 04:13:59AM -0800, Craig Barratt wrote:

> > I had been thinking of writing code to implement a robust fuse
> > filesystem for BackupPC backups but then I saw that John Craig (and
> > perhaps others) had started to write code.
> > 
> > While the code still seems to be at the proof-of-concept I think the idea
> > is very powerful and extensible.
> I agree.  I've been following the suggestions and proof-of-concept
> code with interest.
> I actually believe having a FUSE implementation that supports writing
> would be the best way to support rsync 3.x (and any other xfer methods
> for that matter).  Assuming the performance was ok, the time-reversed
> delta format for storing backups that I'm planning for BackupPC 4.x
> would be most easily implemented with FUSE.
> I've been working on various CVS checkins for a 3.2.0 release
> (finally!), so I haven't had a chance to play with FUSE, other
> than installing it and perl FUSE on my CentOS 5.2 system.
> One question I'm curious about: if FUSE becomes a required part of
> BackupPC 4.x, does that unduly complicate installation or reduce the
> number of distros that BackupPC can readily run on?  I realize FUSE
> is standard on recent 2.6.x kernels, but CentOS 5.2, as one example,
> doesn't enable FUSE, and it was actually quite a pain installing it,
> since the rpm package I found didn't install the kernel module.

I find the requirement of FUSE rather intrusive. Up to now, BackupPC did
not depend on any special kernel infrastructure and is usable on
Solaris, FreeBSD etc. since it only requires one special Perl module
(File::RsyncP) plus some not-so-special ones.

FUSE-mounted backups would be a quite useful extra feature, they should
not be a requirement, though. I suppose, everything could be designed to
have an internal filesystem view which is then used by the FUSE-module
as well as BackupPC during backup.

BTW: Why would that ease support for rsync 3.x? (Just curious.)


"What we nourish flourishes." - "Was wir nähren erblüht."


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