Brian Woodworth wrote:
> Yes, I have complete backups.  My problem appears to be a known bug as 
> stated earlier in the thread.  Craig was kind enough to post a solution, 
> but the problem is I don't know how to go about following his instructions.

I believe his fix only applied to systems installed on XFS file systems. 
  Is that what you are using?

>      > > It looks like BackupPC_nightly is failing to traverse the pool.
>      > > This could be due to a bug in IO::Dirent that causes it to fail
>      > > on certain file systems.  There is a test in 3.1.0 to check if
>      > > IO::Dirent works, but it checks ".", not $TopDir.  That bug is
>      > > fixed in CVS.
>      > >
>      > > Do you have IO::Dirent installed and is your pool on XFS?
>      > >
>      > > If so, change this line in lib/BackupPC/
>      > >
>      > >    $IODirentOk = 1;
>      > >
>      > > to:
>      > >
>      > >    $IODirentOk = 0;

Just use a text editor to change that line and restart backuppc.  If you 
have a packaged install and don't know where the lib directory is, the 
command 'locate BackupPC/' should find the file.

   Les Mikesell

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