
Boniforti Flavio wrote on 2009-04-29 09:00:46 +0200 [Re: [BackupPC-users] How 
BackupPC finds host when using SSH tunnel?]:
> [...]
> > that is the only logical thing to do. You're saying the 
> > client machine to be backed up is actually named "localhost" 
> If you mean "client machine name" = "ClientNameAlias", then yes.

I shouldn't do this, but since you refuse to read the config.pl file ...

# Override the client's host name.  This allows multiple clients
# to all refer to the same physical host.  This should only be
# set in the per-PC config file and is only used by BackupPC at
# the last moment prior to generating the command used to backup
# that machine (ie: the value of $Conf{ClientNameAlias} is invisible
# everywhere else in BackupPC).  The setting can be a host name or
# IP address [...]

ClientNameAlias means "the backup configuration for machine foo *actually*
refers to the real host bar". *All communication* is redirected to the host
"bar". "foo" need not be the name of an existing computer anywhere. It's just
a tag within BackupPC for identifying this backup configuration.

> Well, actually the ping command pings $host, which I think is *not*
> $ClientNameAlias. If it's *indeed* the same thing, then I understand
> what is being pinged ;-)

You don't ping tags. The whole point of the ping command is to determine
whether it makes sense to start the backup. What do you need to ping to find
that out? Surprise, surprise, the host you are going to communicate with.

> I stress it again: I *didn't* change the default PingCmd,

I know. I suggested you could.

> it still looks
> like "$pingPath -c 1 $host" and I get "Pings to remotehost1 have
> succeeded 12 consecutive times." and backups are working!

Yes, because on the web page the detail is hidden that remotehost1 is actually
not the host you are backing up. You selected the host page for remotehost1.
You want to know that pings were successful. If you prefer reading "pings to
machine foo, which is the real target of this backup, not remotehost1, as you
might have expected, but you really shouldn't worry about that, the
administrator knows what he is doing, have succeeded 12 consecutive times",
you should probably stay away from software written by other people ;-).


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